Aktuelle Veranstaltungen, Aktionen und Kampagnen zu Palästina


The week's events

Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag Sonntag
13. Mai 2024(3 Veranstaltungen)

11. Mai 2024


Ankündigung auf Instagram

🔉Calling all students globally 🔊

World Keffiyeh Day is commemorated annually on May 11th as a visual way to raise awareness and show solidarity about the Palestinian cause through the use of the Keffiyeh - one of the most iconic symbols for Palestinians.

And in the light of recent student oppression worlwide, we want to wear the Keffiyeh to university in order to demonstrate our resistance and commitment to standing with the people of Gaza and the students of Gaza, that have no more Universities left. It's a simple, yet symbolic call to action, reminding us that solidarity knows no boundaries and that together, we can effect change towards a more equitable world and a free palestine.

Wearing the keffiyeh is visual reminder that the struggles of the Palestinian people, especially now those oppressed in Gaza, cannot be ignored, and it serves as a unifying symbol connecting our various student movements and all other groups, advocating for justice and human rights.

World Keffiyeh Day is commemorated annually on May 11th as a visual way to raise awareness and show solidarity about the Palestinian cause through the use of the Keffiyeh - one of the most iconic symbols for Palestinians.

And in the light of recent student oppression worlwide, we want to wear the Keffiyeh to university in order to demonstrate our resistance and commitment to standing with the people of Gaza and the students of Gaza, that have no more Universities left. It's a simple, yet symbolic call to action, reminding us that solidarity knows no boundaries and that together, we can effect change towards a more equitable world and a free palestine.

Wearing the keffiyeh is visual reminder that the struggles of the Palestinian people, especially now those oppressed in Gaza, cannot be ignored, and it serves as a unifying symbol connecting our various student movements and all other groups, advocating for justice and human rights.

🔊So we are appealing to all of you to wear you Keffiyehs to your universities throught the week of the 11th to the 17th to take a stand and share your solidarity.

#keffiyehday #worldkeffiyehday #wearyourkeffiyehtouniday #freepalestine


N. a.
13. Mai 2024

Neuer Hafen
Im-Jaich Loyd Marina

13. Mai 2024

Demo am Montag, 13.05.2024 um 19 Uhr in der Fürststr, vor dem Hauptgebäude der Uni Bonn
Keine Zusammenarbeit mit der Genozid-Lobby!
Die deutsch-israelische Gesellschaft, die Lobbyarbeit für Israel als völkerrechtswidrig handelnden Staat macht und im Januar öffentlich dazu aufrief, der UNRWA Geld zu entziehen und somit maßgeblich zur Aushungerung von Gazas Bevölkerung beizutragen, veranstaltet am Montag, den 13.05.2024 einen Vortrag zum Thema „Zwischen innerer Zerrissenheit und neuen Gefahren: Israels Herausforderungen nach dem 7. Oktober“. Wir sagen: Es ist es keine Herausforderung, keinen Genozid in Gaza zu begehen und die Uni Bonn darf Organisationen, die diese Fakten verdrehen, keine Plattform bieten!Gegen normalisierte Kriegspropaganda!
Für eine langfristige Waffenruhe und ein Ende des Genozids der Palästinenser*innen! 

 Ankündigung auf Instagram

Adenauerallee 37
Bonn, 53113
14. Mai 2024(2 Veranstaltungen)

11. Mai 2024


Ankündigung auf Instagram

🔉Calling all students globally 🔊

World Keffiyeh Day is commemorated annually on May 11th as a visual way to raise awareness and show solidarity about the Palestinian cause through the use of the Keffiyeh - one of the most iconic symbols for Palestinians.

And in the light of recent student oppression worlwide, we want to wear the Keffiyeh to university in order to demonstrate our resistance and commitment to standing with the people of Gaza and the students of Gaza, that have no more Universities left. It's a simple, yet symbolic call to action, reminding us that solidarity knows no boundaries and that together, we can effect change towards a more equitable world and a free palestine.

Wearing the keffiyeh is visual reminder that the struggles of the Palestinian people, especially now those oppressed in Gaza, cannot be ignored, and it serves as a unifying symbol connecting our various student movements and all other groups, advocating for justice and human rights.

World Keffiyeh Day is commemorated annually on May 11th as a visual way to raise awareness and show solidarity about the Palestinian cause through the use of the Keffiyeh - one of the most iconic symbols for Palestinians.

And in the light of recent student oppression worlwide, we want to wear the Keffiyeh to university in order to demonstrate our resistance and commitment to standing with the people of Gaza and the students of Gaza, that have no more Universities left. It's a simple, yet symbolic call to action, reminding us that solidarity knows no boundaries and that together, we can effect change towards a more equitable world and a free palestine.

Wearing the keffiyeh is visual reminder that the struggles of the Palestinian people, especially now those oppressed in Gaza, cannot be ignored, and it serves as a unifying symbol connecting our various student movements and all other groups, advocating for justice and human rights.

🔊So we are appealing to all of you to wear you Keffiyehs to your universities throught the week of the 11th to the 17th to take a stand and share your solidarity.

#keffiyehday #worldkeffiyehday #wearyourkeffiyehtouniday #freepalestine


14. Mai 2024

Lenaustr. 4
Berlin, 12047
15. Mai 2024(11 Veranstaltungen)

11. Mai 2024


Ankündigung auf Instagram

🔉Calling all students globally 🔊

World Keffiyeh Day is commemorated annually on May 11th as a visual way to raise awareness and show solidarity about the Palestinian cause through the use of the Keffiyeh - one of the most iconic symbols for Palestinians.

And in the light of recent student oppression worlwide, we want to wear the Keffiyeh to university in order to demonstrate our resistance and commitment to standing with the people of Gaza and the students of Gaza, that have no more Universities left. It's a simple, yet symbolic call to action, reminding us that solidarity knows no boundaries and that together, we can effect change towards a more equitable world and a free palestine.

Wearing the keffiyeh is visual reminder that the struggles of the Palestinian people, especially now those oppressed in Gaza, cannot be ignored, and it serves as a unifying symbol connecting our various student movements and all other groups, advocating for justice and human rights.

World Keffiyeh Day is commemorated annually on May 11th as a visual way to raise awareness and show solidarity about the Palestinian cause through the use of the Keffiyeh - one of the most iconic symbols for Palestinians.

And in the light of recent student oppression worlwide, we want to wear the Keffiyeh to university in order to demonstrate our resistance and commitment to standing with the people of Gaza and the students of Gaza, that have no more Universities left. It's a simple, yet symbolic call to action, reminding us that solidarity knows no boundaries and that together, we can effect change towards a more equitable world and a free palestine.

Wearing the keffiyeh is visual reminder that the struggles of the Palestinian people, especially now those oppressed in Gaza, cannot be ignored, and it serves as a unifying symbol connecting our various student movements and all other groups, advocating for justice and human rights.

🔊So we are appealing to all of you to wear you Keffiyehs to your universities throught the week of the 11th to the 17th to take a stand and share your solidarity.

#keffiyehday #worldkeffiyehday #wearyourkeffiyehtouniday #freepalestine


15. Mai 2024


We are protesting Amazon’s Project Nimbus contract with the Israeli military and will reach out to attendees unaware of Amazon’s involvement together with @berlinvamazon @bdsberlin2009 @notechforapartheid @juedischestimme #NoTechForApartheid #MakeAmazonPay #ceasefirenow

Press Release

Location: Station Berlin (near U-Bahn Gleisdreieck)
Luckenwalder Str. 4-6
Berlin , 10963

15. Mai 2024



Im Jahr 1948 hat die israelische Armee über 750.000 Palästinenser:innen von ihrem angestammten Land vertrieben. Dabei wurden über 500 Dörfer zerstört und mindestens 15.000 Palästinenser:innen ermordet. Die ethnische Säuberung wird als "Al-Nakba" (zu deutsch: Katastrophe) bezeichnet und in der westlichen Erzählung der Geschichte Israels gänzlich ausgeblendet - das palästinensischen Volk und seine gewaltsame Unterwerfung unter den neuen Siedlerstaat findet keinerlei Erwähnung. Wir weigern uns, die Enteignungen, die Vertreibungen und ethnische Säuberung einer seit langem bestehenden Nation zu übersehen, dessen Menschen an ihr Land und Kultur gebunden sind und weiterhin darauf bestehen, zurückzukehren.
Das von der UN anerkannte Rückkehrrecht wird über 6 Millionen Palästinenser:innen verweigert. Nach der #nakba hatte #israel die Kontrolle über 78 % des historischen Palästinas übernommen. Die Landenteignung, die nach internationalem Recht illegal ist, dauert heute noch an. Im letzten Jahr wurden über 110 km² von israelischen Siedlungen annektiert. Ein Verständnis der Nakba führt zu einem tieferen Verständnis des gegenwärtigen Völkermords an den Palästinensern im Gazastreifen sowie zu einem Verständnis des palästinensischen Widerstands gegen die Besatzung. Die Universität Hamburg ist nicht bereit, ihren Campus als Ort des gemeinsamen Lernens über die Geschichte des historischen Palästinas anzubieten, es ist an der Zeit, dass die Studierenden Zeit und Raum dafür schaffen. Kommt zu unserer Kundgebung am Mittwoch, um mehr über die Nakba zu erfahren und ihr gemeinsam zu gedenken!

#universitäthamburg #uhh #university #unileben #Palästina #palestine #freepalestine #alleyesonrafah #Gaza

Ankündigung auf Instagram


Beim Ententeich beim Uni Hamburg Hauptcampus | zw. von Melle Park 8 & 9
Hamburg , 20146

15. Mai 2024

Stadtteilzentrum Vahrenwald, Kleiner Saal
Vahrenwalder Straße 92 | Stadtbahn Dragonerstraße
Hannover, 30165

15. Mai 2024

Allerheiligenstr. 9
Erfurt, 99084

15. Mai 2024


15. Mai 2024

Mittwoch 15.05., 18Uhr, Marktplatz
Demo zum Nakba Tag: Waffenstillstand jetzt! Freiheit für Palästina!

Mit der israelischen Offensive auf Rafah hat Israel den Genozid in Gaza auf eine neue Eskalationstsufe gehoben. Am Abend des 06.Mai hat die palästinensische Seite ein Waffenstillstandsabkommen akzeptiert, das von Ägypten und Katar unter Beteiligung der USA auf Grundlage eines Vorschlags von Israel ausgearbeitet wurde. Israel hat das Abkommen abgelehnt und stattdessen die Offensive auf Rafah gestartet. Seitdem wird der Süden Gazas in dem 1,2 Millionen Palästinenser*innen zusammengedrängt ums Überleben kämpfen, von Israel bombardiert. Ohne funktionierende Krankenhäuser, ohne Fluchtmöglichkeit, ohne Nahrung und sauberes Wasser sind 1,2 Millionen Menschen, die Hälfte davon Kinder, dem israelischen Angriff schutzlos ausgeliefert. Der Grenzübergang nach Ägypten wurde von Israel besetzt und es gelangen keinerlei Hilfslieferungen an die seit Monaten hungernden Menschen.Die deutsche Regierung ist nach wie vor einer der wichtigsten Unterstützer Israels. Deutschland ist nach den USA der zweitgrößte Waffenlieferant für Israel - rund ein Drittel der Waffenexporte nach Israel kommen aus Deutschland. Dadurch macht sich unsere Regierung an dem Genozid und den Kriegsverbrechen Israels mitschuldig.

Der 15.Mai ist der internationale Nakba Tag (Nakba, Arabisch für Katastrophe), der an die massenhafte Vertreibung der Palästinenser*innen im Zuge der israelischen Staatsgründung 1948 erinnert. Der Genozid in Gaza ist das jüngste Kapitel in der Geschichte der anhaltenden Katastrophe aus Entrechtung, Ermordung, Folter und ethnischer Säuberung.

Kommt am 15.05., dem internationalen Nakba Tag, mit uns auf die Straße!
Für einen Waffenstillstand, einen Stopp der deutschen Unterstützung Israels und ein Ende der kolonialen Unterdrückung.



15. Mai 2024


15. Mai 2024

Wilmersdorfer Straße / Ecke Kantstraße

15. Mai 2024

76 Jahre Nakba - Demonstration am Mittwoch 15.05. 📍Köln Hauptbahnhof, Bahnhofsvorplatz٧٦ سنة على النكبة - مظاهرة‎ الأربعاء .15.05 📍Köln Hauptbahnhof, Bahnhofsvorplatz

76 Years Nakba - Demonstration on wednesday 15.05. 📍Köln Hauptbahnhof, BahnhofsvorplatzAnkündigung auf Instagram

Hauptbahnhof - Bahnhofsvorplatz
16. Mai 2024(1 Veranstaltung)

11. Mai 2024


Ankündigung auf Instagram

🔉Calling all students globally 🔊

World Keffiyeh Day is commemorated annually on May 11th as a visual way to raise awareness and show solidarity about the Palestinian cause through the use of the Keffiyeh - one of the most iconic symbols for Palestinians.

And in the light of recent student oppression worlwide, we want to wear the Keffiyeh to university in order to demonstrate our resistance and commitment to standing with the people of Gaza and the students of Gaza, that have no more Universities left. It's a simple, yet symbolic call to action, reminding us that solidarity knows no boundaries and that together, we can effect change towards a more equitable world and a free palestine.

Wearing the keffiyeh is visual reminder that the struggles of the Palestinian people, especially now those oppressed in Gaza, cannot be ignored, and it serves as a unifying symbol connecting our various student movements and all other groups, advocating for justice and human rights.

World Keffiyeh Day is commemorated annually on May 11th as a visual way to raise awareness and show solidarity about the Palestinian cause through the use of the Keffiyeh - one of the most iconic symbols for Palestinians.

And in the light of recent student oppression worlwide, we want to wear the Keffiyeh to university in order to demonstrate our resistance and commitment to standing with the people of Gaza and the students of Gaza, that have no more Universities left. It's a simple, yet symbolic call to action, reminding us that solidarity knows no boundaries and that together, we can effect change towards a more equitable world and a free palestine.

Wearing the keffiyeh is visual reminder that the struggles of the Palestinian people, especially now those oppressed in Gaza, cannot be ignored, and it serves as a unifying symbol connecting our various student movements and all other groups, advocating for justice and human rights.

🔊So we are appealing to all of you to wear you Keffiyehs to your universities throught the week of the 11th to the 17th to take a stand and share your solidarity.

#keffiyehday #worldkeffiyehday #wearyourkeffiyehtouniday #freepalestine

17. Mai 2024(3 Veranstaltungen)

11. Mai 2024


Ankündigung auf Instagram

🔉Calling all students globally 🔊

World Keffiyeh Day is commemorated annually on May 11th as a visual way to raise awareness and show solidarity about the Palestinian cause through the use of the Keffiyeh - one of the most iconic symbols for Palestinians.

And in the light of recent student oppression worlwide, we want to wear the Keffiyeh to university in order to demonstrate our resistance and commitment to standing with the people of Gaza and the students of Gaza, that have no more Universities left. It's a simple, yet symbolic call to action, reminding us that solidarity knows no boundaries and that together, we can effect change towards a more equitable world and a free palestine.

Wearing the keffiyeh is visual reminder that the struggles of the Palestinian people, especially now those oppressed in Gaza, cannot be ignored, and it serves as a unifying symbol connecting our various student movements and all other groups, advocating for justice and human rights.

World Keffiyeh Day is commemorated annually on May 11th as a visual way to raise awareness and show solidarity about the Palestinian cause through the use of the Keffiyeh - one of the most iconic symbols for Palestinians.

And in the light of recent student oppression worlwide, we want to wear the Keffiyeh to university in order to demonstrate our resistance and commitment to standing with the people of Gaza and the students of Gaza, that have no more Universities left. It's a simple, yet symbolic call to action, reminding us that solidarity knows no boundaries and that together, we can effect change towards a more equitable world and a free palestine.

Wearing the keffiyeh is visual reminder that the struggles of the Palestinian people, especially now those oppressed in Gaza, cannot be ignored, and it serves as a unifying symbol connecting our various student movements and all other groups, advocating for justice and human rights.

🔊So we are appealing to all of you to wear you Keffiyehs to your universities throught the week of the 11th to the 17th to take a stand and share your solidarity.

#keffiyehday #worldkeffiyehday #wearyourkeffiyehtouniday #freepalestine


17. Mai 2024


17. Mai 2024

Greifswalder Straß e 4
Robert-Havemann-Saal im Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte
Berlin, 10405
18. Mai 2024(6 Veranstaltungen)

18. Mai 2024


18. Mai 2024

Lüneburg, 21335

18. Mai 2024


18. Mai 2024

19. Mai 2024