Aktuelle Veranstaltungen, Aktionen und Kampagnen zu Palästina


12. Mai 2024

Wear you Keffiyehs to your universities throught the week of the 11th to the 17th to take a stand and share your solidarity!

Kategorie: General Wear you Keffiyehs to your universities throught the week of the 11th to the 17th to take a stand and share your solidarity!

11. Mai 2024


Ankündigung auf Instagram

🔉Calling all students globally 🔊

World Keffiyeh Day is commemorated annually on May 11th as a visual way to raise awareness and show solidarity about the Palestinian cause through the use of the Keffiyeh - one of the most iconic symbols for Palestinians.

And in the light of recent student oppression worlwide, we want to wear the Keffiyeh to university in order to demonstrate our resistance and commitment to standing with the people of Gaza and the students of Gaza, that have no more Universities left. It's a simple, yet symbolic call to action, reminding us that solidarity knows no boundaries and that together, we can effect change towards a more equitable world and a free palestine.

Wearing the keffiyeh is visual reminder that the struggles of the Palestinian people, especially now those oppressed in Gaza, cannot be ignored, and it serves as a unifying symbol connecting our various student movements and all other groups, advocating for justice and human rights.

World Keffiyeh Day is commemorated annually on May 11th as a visual way to raise awareness and show solidarity about the Palestinian cause through the use of the Keffiyeh - one of the most iconic symbols for Palestinians.

And in the light of recent student oppression worlwide, we want to wear the Keffiyeh to university in order to demonstrate our resistance and commitment to standing with the people of Gaza and the students of Gaza, that have no more Universities left. It's a simple, yet symbolic call to action, reminding us that solidarity knows no boundaries and that together, we can effect change towards a more equitable world and a free palestine.

Wearing the keffiyeh is visual reminder that the struggles of the Palestinian people, especially now those oppressed in Gaza, cannot be ignored, and it serves as a unifying symbol connecting our various student movements and all other groups, advocating for justice and human rights.

🔊So we are appealing to all of you to wear you Keffiyehs to your universities throught the week of the 11th to the 17th to take a stand and share your solidarity.

#keffiyehday #worldkeffiyehday #wearyourkeffiyehtouniday #freepalestine

Wear you Keffiyehs to your universities throught the week of the 11th to the 17th to take a stand and share your solidarity!

Kategorie: General Wear you Keffiyehs to your universities throught the week of the 11th to the 17th to take a stand and share your solidarity!

11. Mai 2024


Ankündigung auf Instagram

🔉Calling all students globally 🔊

World Keffiyeh Day is commemorated annually on May 11th as a visual way to raise awareness and show solidarity about the Palestinian cause through the use of the Keffiyeh - one of the most iconic symbols for Palestinians.

And in the light of recent student oppression worlwide, we want to wear the Keffiyeh to university in order to demonstrate our resistance and commitment to standing with the people of Gaza and the students of Gaza, that have no more Universities left. It's a simple, yet symbolic call to action, reminding us that solidarity knows no boundaries and that together, we can effect change towards a more equitable world and a free palestine.

Wearing the keffiyeh is visual reminder that the struggles of the Palestinian people, especially now those oppressed in Gaza, cannot be ignored, and it serves as a unifying symbol connecting our various student movements and all other groups, advocating for justice and human rights.

World Keffiyeh Day is commemorated annually on May 11th as a visual way to raise awareness and show solidarity about the Palestinian cause through the use of the Keffiyeh - one of the most iconic symbols for Palestinians.

And in the light of recent student oppression worlwide, we want to wear the Keffiyeh to university in order to demonstrate our resistance and commitment to standing with the people of Gaza and the students of Gaza, that have no more Universities left. It's a simple, yet symbolic call to action, reminding us that solidarity knows no boundaries and that together, we can effect change towards a more equitable world and a free palestine.

Wearing the keffiyeh is visual reminder that the struggles of the Palestinian people, especially now those oppressed in Gaza, cannot be ignored, and it serves as a unifying symbol connecting our various student movements and all other groups, advocating for justice and human rights.

🔊So we are appealing to all of you to wear you Keffiyehs to your universities throught the week of the 11th to the 17th to take a stand and share your solidarity.

#keffiyehday #worldkeffiyehday #wearyourkeffiyehtouniday #freepalestine

Reiseberichte aus Palästina - Palästina antikolonial

Kategorie: General Reiseberichte aus Palästina - Palästina antikolonial

12. Mai 2024

Ewwe Longt's - Linkes Zentrum


12. Mai 2024

Wir, die trauernden Friedenstauben, die “Grieving Doves”, laden euch ein, sich bei unserem TRAUERZUG anzuschließen, in Solidarität mit unseren palästinensischen Brüdern und Schwestern. Wir werden den Verlust von Müttern, Töchtern, Großmüttern, Mädchen, Söhnen, Vätern und Großvätern betrauern, die dem anhaltenden Völkermord und der Besatzung zum Opfer gefallen sind.

Unsere Prozession wird getragen von Poesie, Gesang, sanfter Musik und der Präsenz von "Filastin", einem lebendigen Denkmal, das diejenigen ehrt, die in Gaza getötet wurden. Wir laden euch ein, uns falls möglich mit weißen Flaggen und weißen Kleidern anzuschließen.

Der familienfreundliche Zug hat zum Ziel, gemeinsam an die zerstörten Leben zu erinnern und sie zu ehren. Speziell für den 12.5, den deutschen Muttertag, möchten wir palästinensische Mütter, Frauen* und Kinder ehren, die sich oft als Hauptziele in diesem anhaltenden Völkermord und der Apartheid wiederfinden. Gewalttätiger Militarismus, schädliche Narrative über Palästinenser*innen aller Geschlechter (und aufgrund ihres Geschlechts), und patriarchale Unterstützungssysteme geben nur einen Einblick in die komplexen intersektionalen Herausforderungen, mit denen Palästinenser*innen konfrontiert sind.

Start der Demonstration - 14:00 Uhr am Rathaus Neukölln
Route: Rathaus Neukölln, Karl-Marx-Straße, Hermannplatz, Sonnenallee, Erkstraße, Rathaus Neukölln
Ende: 17:00 Uhr Rathaus Neukölln

Rathaus Neukölln | Karl-Marx-Straße 83
Berlin, 12043
Buchvorstellung "Während die Welt schlief" von Susan Abulhawa

Kategorie: General Buchvorstellung "Während die Welt schlief" von Susan Abulhawa

12. Mai 2024

Wear you Keffiyehs to your universities throught the week of the 11th to the 17th to take a stand and share your solidarity!

Kategorie: General Wear you Keffiyehs to your universities throught the week of the 11th to the 17th to take a stand and share your solidarity!

11. Mai 2024


Ankündigung auf Instagram

🔉Calling all students globally 🔊

World Keffiyeh Day is commemorated annually on May 11th as a visual way to raise awareness and show solidarity about the Palestinian cause through the use of the Keffiyeh - one of the most iconic symbols for Palestinians.

And in the light of recent student oppression worlwide, we want to wear the Keffiyeh to university in order to demonstrate our resistance and commitment to standing with the people of Gaza and the students of Gaza, that have no more Universities left. It's a simple, yet symbolic call to action, reminding us that solidarity knows no boundaries and that together, we can effect change towards a more equitable world and a free palestine.

Wearing the keffiyeh is visual reminder that the struggles of the Palestinian people, especially now those oppressed in Gaza, cannot be ignored, and it serves as a unifying symbol connecting our various student movements and all other groups, advocating for justice and human rights.

World Keffiyeh Day is commemorated annually on May 11th as a visual way to raise awareness and show solidarity about the Palestinian cause through the use of the Keffiyeh - one of the most iconic symbols for Palestinians.

And in the light of recent student oppression worlwide, we want to wear the Keffiyeh to university in order to demonstrate our resistance and commitment to standing with the people of Gaza and the students of Gaza, that have no more Universities left. It's a simple, yet symbolic call to action, reminding us that solidarity knows no boundaries and that together, we can effect change towards a more equitable world and a free palestine.

Wearing the keffiyeh is visual reminder that the struggles of the Palestinian people, especially now those oppressed in Gaza, cannot be ignored, and it serves as a unifying symbol connecting our various student movements and all other groups, advocating for justice and human rights.

🔊So we are appealing to all of you to wear you Keffiyehs to your universities throught the week of the 11th to the 17th to take a stand and share your solidarity.

#keffiyehday #worldkeffiyehday #wearyourkeffiyehtouniday #freepalestine

Wear you Keffiyehs to your universities throught the week of the 11th to the 17th to take a stand and share your solidarity!

Kategorie: General Wear you Keffiyehs to your universities throught the week of the 11th to the 17th to take a stand and share your solidarity!

11. Mai 2024


Ankündigung auf Instagram

🔉Calling all students globally 🔊

World Keffiyeh Day is commemorated annually on May 11th as a visual way to raise awareness and show solidarity about the Palestinian cause through the use of the Keffiyeh - one of the most iconic symbols for Palestinians.

And in the light of recent student oppression worlwide, we want to wear the Keffiyeh to university in order to demonstrate our resistance and commitment to standing with the people of Gaza and the students of Gaza, that have no more Universities left. It's a simple, yet symbolic call to action, reminding us that solidarity knows no boundaries and that together, we can effect change towards a more equitable world and a free palestine.

Wearing the keffiyeh is visual reminder that the struggles of the Palestinian people, especially now those oppressed in Gaza, cannot be ignored, and it serves as a unifying symbol connecting our various student movements and all other groups, advocating for justice and human rights.

World Keffiyeh Day is commemorated annually on May 11th as a visual way to raise awareness and show solidarity about the Palestinian cause through the use of the Keffiyeh - one of the most iconic symbols for Palestinians.

And in the light of recent student oppression worlwide, we want to wear the Keffiyeh to university in order to demonstrate our resistance and commitment to standing with the people of Gaza and the students of Gaza, that have no more Universities left. It's a simple, yet symbolic call to action, reminding us that solidarity knows no boundaries and that together, we can effect change towards a more equitable world and a free palestine.

Wearing the keffiyeh is visual reminder that the struggles of the Palestinian people, especially now those oppressed in Gaza, cannot be ignored, and it serves as a unifying symbol connecting our various student movements and all other groups, advocating for justice and human rights.

🔊So we are appealing to all of you to wear you Keffiyehs to your universities throught the week of the 11th to the 17th to take a stand and share your solidarity.

#keffiyehday #worldkeffiyehday #wearyourkeffiyehtouniday #freepalestine

Wear you Keffiyehs to your universities throught the week of the 11th to the 17th to take a stand and share your solidarity!

Kategorie: General Wear you Keffiyehs to your universities throught the week of the 11th to the 17th to take a stand and share your solidarity!

11. Mai 2024


Ankündigung auf Instagram

🔉Calling all students globally 🔊

World Keffiyeh Day is commemorated annually on May 11th as a visual way to raise awareness and show solidarity about the Palestinian cause through the use of the Keffiyeh - one of the most iconic symbols for Palestinians.

And in the light of recent student oppression worlwide, we want to wear the Keffiyeh to university in order to demonstrate our resistance and commitment to standing with the people of Gaza and the students of Gaza, that have no more Universities left. It's a simple, yet symbolic call to action, reminding us that solidarity knows no boundaries and that together, we can effect change towards a more equitable world and a free palestine.

Wearing the keffiyeh is visual reminder that the struggles of the Palestinian people, especially now those oppressed in Gaza, cannot be ignored, and it serves as a unifying symbol connecting our various student movements and all other groups, advocating for justice and human rights.

World Keffiyeh Day is commemorated annually on May 11th as a visual way to raise awareness and show solidarity about the Palestinian cause through the use of the Keffiyeh - one of the most iconic symbols for Palestinians.

And in the light of recent student oppression worlwide, we want to wear the Keffiyeh to university in order to demonstrate our resistance and commitment to standing with the people of Gaza and the students of Gaza, that have no more Universities left. It's a simple, yet symbolic call to action, reminding us that solidarity knows no boundaries and that together, we can effect change towards a more equitable world and a free palestine.

Wearing the keffiyeh is visual reminder that the struggles of the Palestinian people, especially now those oppressed in Gaza, cannot be ignored, and it serves as a unifying symbol connecting our various student movements and all other groups, advocating for justice and human rights.

🔊So we are appealing to all of you to wear you Keffiyehs to your universities throught the week of the 11th to the 17th to take a stand and share your solidarity.

#keffiyehday #worldkeffiyehday #wearyourkeffiyehtouniday #freepalestine

Wear you Keffiyehs to your universities throught the week of the 11th to the 17th to take a stand and share your solidarity!

Kategorie: General Wear you Keffiyehs to your universities throught the week of the 11th to the 17th to take a stand and share your solidarity!

11. Mai 2024


Ankündigung auf Instagram

🔉Calling all students globally 🔊

World Keffiyeh Day is commemorated annually on May 11th as a visual way to raise awareness and show solidarity about the Palestinian cause through the use of the Keffiyeh - one of the most iconic symbols for Palestinians.

And in the light of recent student oppression worlwide, we want to wear the Keffiyeh to university in order to demonstrate our resistance and commitment to standing with the people of Gaza and the students of Gaza, that have no more Universities left. It's a simple, yet symbolic call to action, reminding us that solidarity knows no boundaries and that together, we can effect change towards a more equitable world and a free palestine.

Wearing the keffiyeh is visual reminder that the struggles of the Palestinian people, especially now those oppressed in Gaza, cannot be ignored, and it serves as a unifying symbol connecting our various student movements and all other groups, advocating for justice and human rights.

World Keffiyeh Day is commemorated annually on May 11th as a visual way to raise awareness and show solidarity about the Palestinian cause through the use of the Keffiyeh - one of the most iconic symbols for Palestinians.

And in the light of recent student oppression worlwide, we want to wear the Keffiyeh to university in order to demonstrate our resistance and commitment to standing with the people of Gaza and the students of Gaza, that have no more Universities left. It's a simple, yet symbolic call to action, reminding us that solidarity knows no boundaries and that together, we can effect change towards a more equitable world and a free palestine.

Wearing the keffiyeh is visual reminder that the struggles of the Palestinian people, especially now those oppressed in Gaza, cannot be ignored, and it serves as a unifying symbol connecting our various student movements and all other groups, advocating for justice and human rights.

🔊So we are appealing to all of you to wear you Keffiyehs to your universities throught the week of the 11th to the 17th to take a stand and share your solidarity.

#keffiyehday #worldkeffiyehday #wearyourkeffiyehtouniday #freepalestine

Wear you Keffiyehs to your universities throught the week of the 11th to the 17th to take a stand and share your solidarity!

Kategorie: General Wear you Keffiyehs to your universities throught the week of the 11th to the 17th to take a stand and share your solidarity!

11. Mai 2024


Ankündigung auf Instagram

🔉Calling all students globally 🔊

World Keffiyeh Day is commemorated annually on May 11th as a visual way to raise awareness and show solidarity about the Palestinian cause through the use of the Keffiyeh - one of the most iconic symbols for Palestinians.

And in the light of recent student oppression worlwide, we want to wear the Keffiyeh to university in order to demonstrate our resistance and commitment to standing with the people of Gaza and the students of Gaza, that have no more Universities left. It's a simple, yet symbolic call to action, reminding us that solidarity knows no boundaries and that together, we can effect change towards a more equitable world and a free palestine.

Wearing the keffiyeh is visual reminder that the struggles of the Palestinian people, especially now those oppressed in Gaza, cannot be ignored, and it serves as a unifying symbol connecting our various student movements and all other groups, advocating for justice and human rights.

World Keffiyeh Day is commemorated annually on May 11th as a visual way to raise awareness and show solidarity about the Palestinian cause through the use of the Keffiyeh - one of the most iconic symbols for Palestinians.

And in the light of recent student oppression worlwide, we want to wear the Keffiyeh to university in order to demonstrate our resistance and commitment to standing with the people of Gaza and the students of Gaza, that have no more Universities left. It's a simple, yet symbolic call to action, reminding us that solidarity knows no boundaries and that together, we can effect change towards a more equitable world and a free palestine.

Wearing the keffiyeh is visual reminder that the struggles of the Palestinian people, especially now those oppressed in Gaza, cannot be ignored, and it serves as a unifying symbol connecting our various student movements and all other groups, advocating for justice and human rights.

🔊So we are appealing to all of you to wear you Keffiyehs to your universities throught the week of the 11th to the 17th to take a stand and share your solidarity.

#keffiyehday #worldkeffiyehday #wearyourkeffiyehtouniday #freepalestine
